Desk exercise: Tone your thighs

Try this thigh-toning exercise under your desk. (Beware wires and remove clutter first!) Stay seated with your feet on floor and back straight. Extend your right leg until it’s level with your hip, slowly lower. Repeat 10-15 times. Switch legs. You’ll feel the burn in your quadriceps.

Desk exercise: Strengthen your calves

You can do this office exercise when you’re on the phone or doing something that doesn’t require you to write or participate beyond talking. Stand behind your chair, holding onto the back. Rest your right foot on back of your left lower leg. Do toe raises on your left foot. Switch sides. (If you’re in heels, remove them first.)

Desk exercise: Tighten and tone your butt

Tense up gluteal muscles as you sit in your chair. Hold for 10 seconds. Do reps of 10 at a time. No one has to know you’re doing them.

Desk exercise: Jump-start digestion
Make your stomach flatter with this digestion exercise to stimulate peristalsis, the wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract. Suck in your stomach as far as you can, then stick it out as far as you can. Breathe in when sucking in and breathe out when you push your stomach out. This small exercise helps blood flow to the stomach, aids in digestion, and exercises your abdominal muscles, says Lakatos Shames. Digestion backed up? Try one of these constipation home remedies to get things moving.

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